So he put on other clothes and went to Nottingham.
On his way to Nottingham he saw a tinker. A tinker makes things out of iron or tin. He covers holes in cooking pots and makes them good again.
The tinker was a big man. Robin Hood said, "Good morning. Tell me, what are people saying in Nottingham? Is there any news?"
The tinker said, "I am looking for a man named Robin Hood. The Sheriff has given people this paper. It says, "Any man who can catch Robin Hood and bring him to the Sheriff will get one hundred pounds.""
Robin Hood read the paper. "Yes," he said, "that is what is on the paper. One hundred gold pounds! That is a lot of money. I think I can help you."
"Tell me: where can I find this man, Robin Hood?" said the tinker.
"Come with me into Nottingham and you will find Robin Hood there."
So Robin Hood and the tinker went to Nottingham. They went to an inn and had a drink. The tinker and walked a long way, and it was a very hot day. So he drank a lot, and he fell asleep. Then Robin Hood took the paper from the tinker, and took all his money and went away.
At last the tinker work up. "The paper has gone, and I have lost all my money," he cried. He asked the innkeeper,."Who was that man who was with me?"
The innkeeper said, "Your friend was Robin Hood. Give me ten pence for the drinks, please."
The tinker said, "I have no money. I cannot give you ten pence because Robin Hood has taken all my money. I will make Robin Hood give the money to you. Where can I find him?"
"You must look for him in Sherwood Forest. That is where he kills the King's deer."
So the tinker went to the forest and he found Robin Hood.
"Ha!" cried the tinker. "So I have found you!" He had a long staff. They began to fight.
The tinker fought very well. Robin Hood had never fought a man who was quicker. Robin himself was a good fighter with a staff. Time after time his staff hit the tinker on the head---CRACK! CRACK!
But the tinker laughed. "Ha, ha!" he cried. "I have nothing in my head. So you can hit it as hard as you like!"
The tinker was even better with the staff than Robin Hood. Robin was quick on his feet, but at last the tinker's staff caught him SMACK on the ear. Robin Hood fell down.
The tinker stood over Robin. "Now," he said, "give me back my money and the Sheriff's paper! And I will hang you on that tree."
Robin Hood said, "You are a better fighter than I am. I will blow my horn one last time."
So Robin Hood blew his horn. Little John and Will Scarlet came running to him.
Robin Hood said, "This tinker has fought me and he has won. And he wants to hang me on that tree."
Little John said, "He is bigger than you. I will fight him."
"No! No!" said Robin. "We will have no more fighting. This tinker is a good man. It was a good fight, and I am not angry with him. We shall be glad to have him as one of us."
Little John asked, "What do you say to that, tinker?"
The tinker looked at the great big man who was looking down at him, and answered, "This forest is a beautiful place, and the men in it are brave men. So I will do no more tinkering. I will go with you."
So the tinker became one of Robin Hood's men.