Robin Hood said, "You look very sad. Why are you so sad? What can I do to help you?"
She said, "I have three sons. Their father is dead: so they are all that I have. But the Sheriff of Nottingham has taken them, and they will die. They will die because they have killed some of the King's deer."
"Go home," said Robin. "I will go to Nottingham, and I will save them if I can."
Near Nottingham, Robin saw an old begar. The beggar had a very old coat. It was full of holes, and the holes were covered with bits of cloth---red cloth and green and blue and brown and black cloth.
The beggar put out his hand and said, "Please, sir, give me some money."
Robin said, "Yes, I will give you some money if you will give me your coat. I will give you gold. Then you can buy food and drink."
Robin Hood took the beggar's coat and put it on over his green coat. He gave the old beggar two gold pieces. Then he went into Nottingham looking like a beggar.
Robin saw the Sheriff and twenty of his men. They had the three young men with them. They were going to hand the young men just outside the town.
Robin Hood threw himself down in front of the Sheriff. The Sheriff said, "Get out of my way, you old beggar!"
Robin Hood said, "I do not ask for money for nothing. I will be your hangman. I will hang those young men!"
"O yes," said the Sheriff, "you may be the handman if you want to. Then you can have their clothes, and their money too."
"I do not want their clothes or their money. I just want to blow my horn before I hang them. It will help me."
"Yes," said the Sheriff, "you may do that."
Robin Hood took his horn out from under his coat. He blew his horn.
WHIZZ-WHIZZ-WHIZZ! A hundred arrows came from the forest. The Sheriff's steel coat saved him, but twelve of his men fell.
Then a hundred outlaws in Lincoln green ran down the hill. Everyone in Nottingham heard their cry: "A-HOOD! A-HOOD!"
"Who are these men?" said the Sheriff. "Who are they? Tell me!"
"They are my men," said Robin Hood, "and they have come to get me and the three young men."
Robin Hood threw off the beggar's coat. Then the sheriff knew who the old beggar was.
"Take the young men," he said, "Take them away with you. I cannot do anything---THIS TIME!"
So Robin Hood and his men went away with the three young men. They were singing happily.
The Sheriff went back to his house. He thought, "What can I do to that man and his outlaws? What can I do? I must do something!"