Little John could soon shoot very well. Because he was a very big man, they made a very big bow for him. One day Robin Hood said, "Look at those deer on the hill far away. Shoot one of them."
Little John shot the deer. Robin Hood was very pleased. He said, "I do not know a man who can shoot better than that!"
Will Scarlet said, "I know a man who can. His name is Friar Tuck, and he can shoot better than you or Little John."
"I must find him!" said Robin Hood. "Where does he live?"
Will Scarlet said, "He is at Fountains Abbey."
Then Robin Hood put on a steel cap and he took a aword. From the forest near Fountains Abbey, Robin Hood saw Friar Tuck. He was walking near the stream. He had a steel can and a sword just like Robin Hood's steel cap and sword.
"Hide here," Robin Hood said to his men. Then he went out of the forest alone. He walked down to the Friar Tuck and said, "Good morning, Friar. Please carry me over the stream."
Friars must help other people. Friar Tuck looked at Robin Hood. He saw a young man who could walk through the stream without help. But he said, "Get on my back."
So Robin Hood got on Friar Tuck's back and Friar Tuck carried him over the stream. "Thank you," Robin said, and he jumped down.
"Wait!" Friar Tuck said. "Have I helped you?"
"I am glad," the Friar said. "I helped you because Friars must help people. And now carry me back over the stream!" Friar Tuck took out his sword.
So Robin Hood carried Friar Tuck back over the stream. The Friar was a big man, and it was hard work. On the other side Robin caught Friar Tuck's hand and threw him---THUMP!---on the grass.
Now Robin took out his sword. "Carry me back again, "he said, "or I will kill you."
"All right! Get on my back." Friar Tuck carried Robin Hood into the stream. Then---SPLASH!---the big Friar quickly fell into the water on top of Robin Hood.
After that, the outlaws in the forest saw a great fight. The two swords were as quick as light. Friar Tuck's steel cap saved his hear again and again, and more than once the Friar's sword fell CRASH on Robin Hood's cap.
At last Friar Tuck said, "I will not fight you any more. You are very brave man. Who are you?"
"I am Robin Hood." He put his hand up, and the outlaws ran out of the forest. Robin said, "I came here to find a man who shoots very well with his bow. I have found a man who fights very well with his sword."
Will Scarlet said, "He shoots well, too. That man can shoot better than Little John or Robin Hood."
Robin Hood said, "Now I have found you. I ask you to come and live with us. I and my men live in the forest. We take money from the rich and give it to the poor."
Friar Tuck said, "Friars must love God and help other men. I have lived here in this Abbey, but I have not done much good to men. So I will go with you."