The other men walked out of Nottingham and then ran back to the forest. They said to Robin, "The Sheriff's men have taken Will Stutely, and they will hand him."
Robin Hood called all his men. He said, "Take your bows and arrows and your swords. We must go and save Will Stutely from the Sheriff."
Maid Marian gave each man a bag of food. When they came near the castle Robin said, "We must hide here in the forest tonight. We must not go nearer to the castle, or the Sheriff's men will see us. Do not make any noise, men. No fires! No singing!"
So the men sat down on the grass and ate some of their food and slept.
Morning came, and they all looked at the castle. No one came out. Then, at last, Robin Hood saw a small door open. A priest came out of it. He was a very big man. Robin Hood said, "Go, Midge, and ask the priest about Will Stutely."
Midge put on an old black coat. He went to the priest and said, "Can you tell me anything about Will Stutely?"
"Yes," said the priest. "The Sheriff and his men caught him yesterday, and in one hour they will hang him. I wanted Robin Hood to come and save him, but there is no time now. The Sheriff is a bad man, but Robin Hood has done a lot to help the poor, and his men are good men."
Midge said, "What would you do if Robin Hood was near here?"
"I would give him all the help I can."
Midge said, "Come with me." He brought the priest to Robin Hood.
Robin Hood asked, "What will the Sheriff and his men do if we go to save Will Stutely?"
The priest answered, "They will see you. they will kill Will Stutely and then they will run back into the castle."
Robin Hood said to the priest, "You are a very big man. You are as big as Little John. Give Little John your long coat and help him to dress like you."
So Little John put on the priest's clothes.
The great door of the castle opened. The Sheriff came out. Then Will Stutely came. The Sheriff's men came with swords in their hands. There were forty of them. They all went to a little hill where they were going to hand Will Stutely.
Little John went to Will Stutely. He said to the Sheriff's men, "Go away. Do not stand so near to a man when he says his last prayer to God."
They moved away; but one of the Sheriff's men stood near, holding his sword.
Then Little John quickly took the sword from the Sheriff's man and gave it to Will Stutely. And he pulled out his own long sword from under his coat.
He cried, "Now fight!" Will Stutely and Little John stood back to back. The Sheriff's men came at them on all sides, but Will Stutely and Little John were quick with their swords. There was a great noise as the swords came SWISH through the air, CLANG on a steel cap, THUD on an arm or a leg.
"A-HOOD!" called Little John as his sword bit into a man's side.
"A-HOOD!" cried Will Stutely as another man fell to the grass.
The two outlaws fought so well that the Sheriff and his men did not see Robin Hood's men come out of the forest. Then the outlaws's arrows fell like rain upon the Sheriff's men.
The Sheriff and ten of his men ran away. They ran back into the castle. Robin Hood and twenty outlaws nearly caught them. Thirty of the Sheriff's men lay dead on the little hill.
Robin Hood and his men went with Will Stutely back to the forest.