The next day, they saw him again. He was badly dressed in black clothes. He was not singing. He looked very sad.
Robin Hood said, "Who are you, and why are you so sad?"
The young man did not answer.
That night Robin Hood and marian and some of the outlaws were sitting by the fire outside Robin's cave. Little John and Midge came to Robin. They brought a man with them. He was the sad young man whom Robin and Marian had seen that morning. Little John was the biggest of Robin's men, and Midge was the smallest.
Midge said, "We found him in the forest. We asked him, "Where are you going?" but he did not answer. So we have brought him to you.
Robin Hood said, "Have you any money to give to me and my men?"
"No," said the man. "I have only five pence and a ring. The ring was for the most beautiful girl in England."
"What is your name?" said Robin. "And why are you so sad?"
"My name is Alan-a-Dale. Yesterday I was going to marry the most beautiful girl in England. But her father said, "No. You will not marry my daughter. My daughter will marry Wiliam of Linby. He is old but he has a lot of money.""
Robin Hood said, "You cannot marry the most beautiful girl in England. Maid Marian is the most beautiful. But I can help you to marry the girl whom you love. How much money will you give me if I give her back to you?"
"I have no money," said Alan-a-Dale. "But if you give me back my loved one, I will be your servant and I will work for you all my life."
"How many miles away is her home?"
"Five miles," said Alan-a-Dale. "The church is near her home. In three hours from now she will be married to the rich old man, William of Linby."
Robin Hood put a long coat over his Lincoln green clothes. He went into the cave and brought out a harp.
Then Robin Hood and Friar Tuck and twenty three men went with Alan-a-Dale to the church.
When they came near to the church, Robin Hood said to his men and to Alan-a-Dale, "Hide here. Make no noise. When I blow my horn, run into the church."
Robin Hood went to the church. William of Linby was standing at the door of the church. The rich man said, "Who are you?"
"I am a harper: Iplay the harp. I am the best harper in England."
"Ah!" said William of Linby. "You shall paly to me."
"I will wait for the other people. When all your friends are here, you will here something."
Soon the people came. William of Linby's rich friends filled one side of the church. His servants and fighting men filled the other side. Then the girl's father brought her into the church. She was very beautiful, but she looked very sad.
Then Robin Hood went up to the front of the chruch. He said, "Do you want to hear something?"
"Yes," said William. "We will hear your harp."
Robin Hood said, "Hear my horn." Then he blew his horn, and Alan-a-Dale ran into the church. He brought Robin Hood's bow and arrows. Robin Hoo's men came in with him.
The outlaws stood round the chruch with arrows in their bows.
Robin Hood spoke to the girl. "Do you want to be married to William of Linby?" he asked.
"No," she said very sadly. "I love Alan-a-Dale."
Robin Hood said, "You shall be married to Alan-a-Dale now, in this church. Come, Friar Tuck, and marry them."
So Friar Tuck came and married them.
Then Robin Hood said, "You may all go to your homes."
Robin Hood's men stood with arrows in their bows and saw them all go away.
"Now," said Robin, "we will go back to the forest. Maid Marian is there with food and drink all ready for us."
They all drank to Alan-a-Dale and his wife. Robin said to Alan-a-Dale, "You cannot go back to your friends, so you and your wife must stay here with us."
Alan-a-Dale answered, "I said, "If you give me back my loved one, I will be your servant and I will work for you all my life.""
"And so will I," said his wife.
"We shall need your help," said Robin. "William of Linby is a friend of Sheriff of Notthingham, and they will send men into the forest to kill us---if they can."