Robin Hood was old, and he began to feel ill. He thought, "I will go back to Sherwood Forest. Some of my men may still be there. I shall get better with them."So Robin went to Sherwood Forest and he blew his horn. Little John and some men came to him. He stayed in the forest. But he did not become better. He became worse.
At last Robin said to Little John, "There is a lady at Kikrleys Abbey. She has made many sick people well. I will go to her."
So Robin and Little John went to the Abbey.
The lady was a Norman. She said, "I can save you, but I must take some blood from your arm."
She took Robin to a little room. She cut a place in his arm and let blood out of it. Then she went out of the room and shut the door.
The lady was a friend of the Sheriff. She did not like Robin. Robin did not know that. The blood did not stop.
Robin remembered his horn. A dying man cannot blow a horn well, but Little John heard it. He was just outside.
Little John ran into the Abbey. He threw himself against the door of Robin's room and went in.
Robin Hood was nearly dead.
Little John said, "I will take you away from here. Then I will come back and burn Kirkleys Abbey."
"No," Robin said. "Do not burn the Abbey. I was never unkind to a woman. Give me my bow, and take me to the window. Put my body where the arrow falls."
So Robin Hood shot his last arrow out of the window. His eyes were not open, and he did not see it fall. It did not go far. But Little John, with tears streaming from his eyes, said:
"Ha, ha! A good shot, Robin! Well done!"
****Hear.....Laz robert earl of Huntingtun Obiit 24 Kal: Dekembris 1247****